Dashboard provides a quick summary of savings for the Auto Scaling Groups and EMR Clusters provisioned via Insisive Cloud for a specified duration( e.g. Last Week, Last Month, Last year). The Profile section is also accessible from the Dashboard.
Potential Savings gives a birds eye view of the savings that are possible by importing the Auto scaling groups , EMR Clusters, Right Sizing, Cost Governance, EC2 and RDS Schedulers on a monthly basis. Clicking on the details will show the details of the potential savings
Actual Savings
The absolute savings in USD for the total savings for the Auto Scaling Groups /EMR clusters/ Right Sizing/ Schedulers provisioned via Insisive Cloud
Needs Attention
The issues in 'Cost Governance' and 'Security' that are higher priority and needs to be addressed.
AWS Regions
Security and Cost governance issues in each of the AWS regions.
Number of Instances that are provisioned via Insisive Cloud for ASG and EMR clusters.Also shows the number of On-Demand and Spot Instances in ASGs and EMR Clusters.
The dashboard can be exported as PDF using the Export Icon on the dashboard
Profile/ Log out
Clicking on the User Name displays the Profile / Log out Menu items
Instance Types
The Instance Types Graph displays the number of spot / On demand Instances provisioned via Insisive Cloud over the given duration ( Last Week/Last Month/ Last Year) for the selected account.
Service Types
The Service Types Graph displays the total AWS cost incurred for the Services provisioned via Insisive Cloud for the given period. Currently it displays Auto Scaling Group ( ASG ) and EMR Costs.