The Auto Scaling Group Overview page lists the Auto Scaling Group(s) in a particular region. Clicking on a Auto Scaling group open the Auto Scaling Group Summary view.
Summary View consists of an Overview page/ Metrics/ Time Line tabs.
Overview displays the Current Cost for the month. It displays two data series in the chart. The potential cost if Insisive Cloud is not used and actual cost. It also displays other details such as percentage savings over ondemand instances, Percentage of Spot Instances and number of one demand and spot instances. If there are more than one Auto Scaling Groups created, 'Auto Scaling Groups' will display all the grouped Auto scaling Groups.
The metrics displays a curated list of cloud watch metrics. These when looked at together can give a good indication of any under provisioning or over provisioning of Auto Scaling Group. In case of multiple ASGs, there will be multiple data series per chart - one corresponding to each ASG.
This shows the instances attached or detatched to the Auto Scaling in response to scaling events , health status or spot termination events.
Suspend / Resume
It is possible to suspend / resume the on-demand instances of the cluster if needed. It can be done based on a schedule or immediately. It is accessible from ASG Overview page via the context menu and ASG summary page using the pause or run icon. Note : The Spot Instances in the cluster will continue to run even if it is reported that the ASG is suspended. Spot Instances cannot be stopped by user actions currently in AWS. They can only be terminated/hibernated.